Bottle Makers Mead Bottle

This collection consists of 1,000 Bottle NFTs, which have been minted on the Chia Blockchain. Each NFT represents a 500x500 pixel, hybrid NPR (Non Photorealistic Render) image, which vary in detail and backdrop, the images being randomly generated from a set of our art assets. With excellent art spanning a variety of bottles, lids, colors, labels, and lore, and great mixture of rarity, these NFTs are an awesome addition to anyone's collection.

Bottle NFTMinted and Available for Purchase!

This collection contains 1,000, 500x500 px, hybrid NPR images; curated but randomly generated from assets produced entirely by Makers Mead, with variables such as bottle type, top, label, and background, and features a single bottle. You may browse the Makers Mead Bottle collection at, or accept one of the Makers Mead Bottle collection offers at

How to get a Makers Mead Bottle NFT

If you're interested in buying one, check out the Makers Mead Bottle NFT collection at

If you have any questions, or need help browsing and/or purchasing one of our NFTs, join our discord server at, and we'll be glad to help you however we can!

Bottle (BOTL)05a6a22bd11c61a5dbfb0d1ab5ac4cfd23da775f594dabf7a04e901c9fcc728a

Bottle (BOTL) is the name of one of our early supporter tokens, issued before our NFT collection was minted. Each of these tokens will be used to provide certain perks to holders of these tokens, such as early access to future releases and events, etc. While we will not issue any more of these, you may be able to find some for sale on the various Chia DEXes:


These offerings have no tangible value. Any and all value which may be ascribed to these offerings is speculative. The Chia Blockchain NFT standard, NFT1 has been finalized! While we have a number of options in regard to where the underlying images will live, we will be hosting them at this website, at the very minimum.